Thursday, September 12, 2013

Midnight In Paris

Original name for this blog post huh? This being my fourth time in Paris, we decided to change it up a little, eat a little fancier, dress a tad nicer, and stay up a little later. Firstly, dinner and the Moulin Rouge.

The Moulin rouge was as expected, a tad tacky but overall very fun. I decided to walk back to our apartment and try my luck at getting into David Lynch's club Silencio. Nope, no luck. Damn........ I had been told its almost impossible to get in without three girls on your shoulder.

In other news the museum D'Orsay was amazing, and I learnt about a lot of different painting styles I was oblivious too before. I prefer the Louvre, but only just. Both are worth seeing.

After countless trips to Paris, I still had never been to the top of The Arc De Triomph. This next photo was taken from the top. Like most European cities I have visited, I much prefer the view from down in the streets.

On the last day I also really enjoyed seeing the Opera house of Paris, which inspired The Phantom Of The Opera. Velvet seats, and marble everywhere.
Not much else for me to say, as it was a very short time in Paris, but it was superb again. I will leave you with the below two pictures, taken from the base of The Notre Dame.

The reason I called this post Midnight In Paris is because that film gives me the feeling I get from Paris. No other film has done this.

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